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Ethics and CSR

We believe that sustainable growth is only achievable by being accountable for the Triple Bottom Line – People, Planet and Profits. We proactively take measures to preserve the environment and ensure the welfare of our employees.

In addition to the above, CSR initiatives undertaken  to improve the quality of life of the underprivileged communities in the vicinity of its manufacturing facilities. Our CSR focus remains on areas of healthcare, education, employability and environment.

Backed By Renewable energy

One world and group companies are backed by renewable energy, from windmills and solar panels owned by the company. Windmills located in the districts of Tirupur in Tamil Nadu along with solar roof installations and are capable of generating 2 Mega Watts of clean energy. 

We Grow Greens

The company grows and maintains about 2000 fruit and non-fruit bearing trees, over 225,000 sq.meters of land, located in the districts of Madurai, in Tamil Nadu.

Assessed by the TNPCB

Our emission levels are assessed by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB), to be well below the designated emission limits.

Fueled by biomass

To reduce our carbon footprint, carbon neutral sources of fuel, such as ‘biomass’ is used to power the company’s boilers, every year. The company uses about 600metric tons of biomass per annum.

Employee Welfare

Our employees are enrolled in the Employees State Insurance Scheme and are eligible to avail welfare benefits such as,free medical treatment for their families, wage compensation during sick leave, maternity benefits etc.

Employee’s Financial Welbeing

The company is registered with the Employee Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) and contributes towards maintaining its employee’s PF accounts every month. The employees enjoy a tax-free return upon maturity and are eligible to avail the Employees Pension Scheme (EPS).

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